Weather Magic

Nature and Weather Lore

A knowledgeable sorcerer has to be prepared. Planning ahead reduces the effort involved in influencing the weather significantly, as well as improving the chances of success with your spell casting. Weather magic, as with any magic, has a great potential to go wrong and present the magician with unintended results. The vast scale of weather systems and their chaotic nature can further complicate this problem. Consideration of some of the principles of weather, however, and a more subtle approach to spell work, can make weather magic a more effective and practical practice.

Dispersing the clouds of your mind:

During the day when the day outside is clear and calm. Find a quite and comfortable spot to relax and stare into the non conforming icy blue sky feel the crisp clean glowing power of the earth and the sky. Do you feel the infinite? The feeling you are having now is the connection to “all”. Do you have any strange sensations? Can you feel it? Your mind should be clear. You will feel a sense of understanding and an understanding that you may have never known. Your picture should be clear your path should show you the destination. Keep your mind open hear, feel , see what the universe wants you to know.

Calling Breezes:

Now that you have cleared your clouded mind you will need to go to the same place you chose before to open yourself up again to the powers that be. Sit quietly and comfortably. Send your mind out into the universe and converse with the nature spirits that are surrounding you. Feel the air conforming to you speeding into you surrounding you then dispelling a burst of raw energy as they swiftly fly away. As you experience this do you feel the breeze brushing your skin? Feel now your heart beat the air expelling from your lungs. You now know that which the breeze has bestowed upon you. The knowledge that the nature spirits have bestowed.


Rainmaking is the most common of all weather magic as our ancestors needed rain to water their crops so our corn would grow. Our Indian ancestors have done the rituals of the rain dance. When you do rain works you must invoke the precipitation, feel the rain coming smell it in the air. Rain will manifest as long as you the magician believe. You will begin by becoming one with nature. A shamanistic approach is best when working with natural rain magic.

Averting Storms:
To send a storm away you will need to invoke a shield. A psychic shield to me is like a force field. I do advise that you think long and hard about sending storms away. You should think about what may happen if you succeed. Will it hit somewhere else? Will it be fierce? Will it have picked up untold strength because you sent it away. I suggest you do not stop the storm you should instead send it over you quickly, speed it up. Make the storm pass over your area fast. Before you started your magic the storm may have stayed for days now you can make it fly over your location with in an hour. This way the magic carries less danger for you the magician and the natural world around you.

Weather magic can very tricky because as with all of mother nature you never know what may happen. Mother nature can be very fickle if she feels threatened. Know your intent and the consequences before you break out the wand and your spell book.

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